From 2014 to 2022, the GAL carried out a LEADER program on the scale of a perimeter bringing together six communities of municipalities or agglomerations.
During the 2014-2022 program, the scope of the GAL Cévennes has indeed undergone changes in territorial organization with mergers of EPCIs and municipalities… From nine EPCIs at the start, six EPCIs made up the GAL at the end of the programme: rural municipalities of Alès Agglomeration (excluding Alès and St-Christol-lès-Alès), communities of municipalities of De Cèze Cévennes, Piedmont Cévenol, Cévennes Gangeoises and Suménoises, Pays Viganais and Causses Aigoual Cévennes Terres Solidaires.
This vast territory includes mountainous areas (Aigoual and Mont Lozère) on its western part and valleys (Cèze, Gardons) with southern influences on the East and South. The main towns are Saint-Ambroix, Génolhac, Anduze, Saint-Jean-du-Gard, Quissac, Saint-Hippolyte-du-Fort, Lasalle, Ganges, Le Vigan.

For the 2014-2022 programme, the GAL has opted for five action themes :
Over the period 2007-2013, the GAL Cévennes had chosen as its targeted priority the consolidation and development of a sustainable territorial economy, giving priority to local resources.
For the period 2014-2022, the work undertaken for the development of a sustainable territorial economy has been continued, by supporting a coherent set of actions aimed at offering an attractive living environment to the population in order to anchor it in the territory by boosting the local economy and removing the obstacles to attractiveness. In the implementation of its program, the GAL Cévennes has endeavored to promote rural development that respects the environment while supporting innovative initiatives.
When possible, the project leaders were directed by the team GAL to other European funds according to the possibilities offered by the Operational Program FEDER-FSE-IEJ and by the Regional Development Program (FEADER) of Languedoc Roussillon.
The GAL’s strategy is broken down into 5 thematic action sheets :

End of program evaluation :

An evaluation of the implementation of the 2014-2022 program was carried out from May to June 2022.
This evaluation made it possible to verify compliance with the fundamentals of the LEADER program both in terms of the operating methods of the GAL and in terms of the choice of projects supported. The programming committee and the technical committee remained involved throughout the program. Their composition reflected the dynamics of the territory. The public-private balance was respected.This evaluation also made it possible to show results in terms of economic development, innovation, networking and sustainable development in the territory. Through this program, the GAL has participated in a real economic dynamic (creation and development of companies, increase in turnover, maintenance and creation of jobs) and an improvement of the living environment in the Cévennes (culture, third places, heritage, mobility) with a qualitative and sustainable dimension. This assessment is accessible under the “procedures and resources” tab.